“Fair warning: If you come to New York and you see a dodgy looking dude hanging around the little girl’s room, you’re better off keeping it to yourself. His reality is all that counts.”

—Matthew Hennessey, “The Battle for the Bathrooms,” Ricochet, March 28, 2016.

Man Who Wants To Use Women’s Bathroom Complains In New York Times.

—Ben Shapiro, the Daily Wire,  yesterday.

Related: “[Classical] Liberals believe truth is external and can be determined through reason. A good liberal uses his reason to achieve justice and equality for all. But postmodern progressives are moral relativists. For them, truth is internal, discerned by and specific to particular individuals. Today a good progressive defends the individual’s internal truth—particularly if the person is an ‘oppressed minority’—against all foes, including reason. Small wonder that the postmodern left has turned on its own.”