A DONALD TRUMP PREFERENCE CASCADE? “If a Democratic candidate were drawing in the sector of the American public that is going for Trump, they would be bragging about their appeal to the working class, the salt of the earth.” And the press would be emphasizing that.

Related: “I think Hillary is terrified of having Trump attacking her in his strange, unpredictable way. How can she prepare? How can she respond? These won’t be polite attacks to be fended off with her trademark chuckles and guffaws and claims that she was already previously vetted. It will be wild, and tremendous energy, strength, and adaptability will be needed for the fight. And part of the attack will be that she lacks the energy, strength, and adaptability to be President, so her difficulty fighting him will fuel more attacks. I’m going to guess Hillary would prefer that nice Mr. Kasich.”

Plus, from the comments: “I suspect she wants to run against the candidate least likely to prosecute her for her obvious crimes after she loses.”