WHY ARE WOMEN JOURNALISTS WRITING ABOUT THE ABRAMSON AFFAIR all writing the same thing? “All the female columnists doing pretty much the same thing, and I feel some pressure to do it too. And I suspect Jill Abramson herself is working on a screed — something that doesn’t violate whatever secrecy agreement she has with the NYT. A year from now, Abramson will have some book, some variation on ‘Lean In’ about the heights and pitfalls of female leadership. . . . I feel pushed to talk about pushiness. And I feel irked to accept Jill Abramson as the face of the topic of The Problem of Female Leadership. I don’t particularly like her, and I suspect she did not do a good job for The New York Times, and they had every reason to oust her.”

From the comments: “Men are fired from Executive Positions all the time. This is not news. It shouldn’t be for women either.”