K-12 IMPLOSION UPDATE: Tennessee school safety officer arrests parent for calmly objecting to pick-up policy.

The school safety officer was reportedly upset because the parent had called the local sheriff to complain about the school’s new pickup policy and the long waits, and what followed was an argument in which the reasonable, quiet-spoken and polite parent was arrested for “disorderly conduct” by the school safety officer, who put him in cuffs and then into the back of a cruiser without advising him of his rights or enumerating the charge against him.

Presumably the officer was trying to help the local school board get rid of excess cash on its books by creating enormous, pointless liabilities for it.

There’s been a modest interest in reviving corporal punishment lately. I think we should start with petty officials who abuse their power. A dose of public humiliation seems exactly right. And cheaper for the school systems, too. But the big takeaway here is that putting your kids in the hands of these people is a bad idea.

Related: “How dare you know the law and stuff.”