THE DIPLOMAD: No More Conversations About Race. “When we hear calls to discuss race, those inevitably are about two races, really skin colors, in other words, black and white. That is a grotesque simplification and distortion of American reality. Those who self-identify as black Americans comprise a bit over 13% of our total population (see the US Census chart below). Depending on what you consider race, and liberals prove notoriously flexible on what they consider race–think Elizabeth Warren and George Zimmerman–self-identified Hispanic/Latinos come in just under 17%, not counting a large percent who consider themselves white. Asians make up over 5%. Another 2.4% report two or more races in their ancestry; I suspect that number is much higher in reality.”

The focus is on black and white so that people who lack the courage to buck any social consensus among their crowd can imagine that they’re the bold crusaders for justice of fifty years ago. In fact, these people would have been “all right in their place” types, right up until a different attitude became sufficiently fashionable.