UPDATE: It’s interesting to watch Kevin Drum wrestle with this. He admits that the Obama Administration is a civil liberties disaster, but somehow has to pretend that Nakoula is a “right wing hero.” But pretty much everybody on the right I’ve seen thinks the film stinks. It’s not about Nakoula, it’s about Obama. Drum, who’s a decent guy, grasps this at one level, but the cognitive dissonance is killing him. Must not be seen to agree with evil rightbloggers . . . .

Lefties are troubled by this photo for two reasons. One is that it’s bad for Obama, to whom they are, ahem, overly committed. But the other is that it’s just plain troubling. They don’t want to admit that the Messiah of 2008 is actually a somewhat thuggish Chicago Machine politician. But reality does seem to be creeping in.

Hey, maybe this’ll help.