ANOTHER BOOK PLUG: James Lileks’ novel, Falling Up The Stairs, is on Kindle and it’s free for Amazon Prime subscribers. Lileks emails:

Last year I decided to write a series of mystery novels, price them cheap, and put them on the Kindle. Oh, I could go the traditional route, and wait six months for some underpaid reader in a Manhattan publishing house to get around to it, sniff at its deficiencies, lament its worldview, stamp PASS on the envelope – or pay a pittance, dump it in the market, and consider “mailing an uncorrected proof” to a newspaper reviewer to constitute “marketing and publicity.” I work at a paper, and I see the number of books that come in every day. We have a special room to hold the ones that will never be cracked.

So, no. I wrote three novels over a year and a half, and the first is ready to go next month. I’ll write two more next year to complete the story.

Thanks to a link you posted a while back, I learned about a promotional technique that seemed daft: give the book away for free for a while. I give enough away for free as it is, but since I have an old book spiffed up and Kindlized, why not? My first novel, “Falling Up the Stairs,” is now available gratis for Amazon Prime customers. It was written in 1986, so it contains absolutely no gripping sequences of people bent over computers, advancing the plot with dramatic typing.

How do you advance the plot without dramatic typing?

UPDATE: Note that you have to be a Prime member, and “borrow” (rather than buy) the book to get it free. Otherwise it’s all of $2.99.