ROBOSEXUAL: Today’s Humans Ready to Love Tomorrow’s Robots. “A world of lonely singles finding comfort in the arms of a robot lover may be closer than expected in human hearts and minds.”

UPDATE: In Maryland, standing up against robosexual marriage. Nobody tell noted robophobe Matt Yglesias! There’s already a book-length treatment. And hey, I’m married to a Cyborg and it’s pretty great. You know what they say: Once you’ve gone Cyborg, you’ll never, uh . . . anybody got a rhyming dictionary handy?

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader J.C. Hinds writes:

Allow me to nerd out for a minute or three as I’ve given the relationships between all-flesh humans, cyborgs and robots a little too much thought. My fellow online gamers could verify this, sadly. As someone who plays a cyborg I always figured starting a relationship with a cyborg would be referred to as “going metal.” It’s a reference to those who have gone through a full-body “just a brain and glands in a jar” conversion and early bodies would likely be made of metal. Anyway, the best rhyme I’ve used so far to promote the benefits of dating a cyborg is “Once you go metal, you’ll no longer settle.” Also I’m pretty sure that a few wiseacres among the cyborg set would say “Cyborg is outdated. The preferred term is Mecha-American.”

Thought that might help you to a better understanding of this new world where metal & fleshy bits get a little cozier than expected. It may also say that I’ve read way too much science fiction in my life. Thanks for writing such an enjoyable blog for all these years.

There’s no such thing as reading too much science fiction!