IS AL GORE IN TOWN? New Jersey Declares Snow Emergency.

UPDATE: A reader emails:

This was the view of my back patio at 8PM Saturday night in Northwest Morris County NJ, also known locally in the tri-state area as “north and west of the city”. :-)

Lots of branches and trees down all around, and well over a foot of snow here.

Good call by the Gov!

Good grief. And before Halloween!

Meanwhile, we learn that Al Gore is rumored to be in Massachusetts. I guess he’s drawing the storm up to him. . . .

ANOTHER UPDATE: Earliest New York City one-inch snowfall since records began.

MORE: Reader Stephen Berg writes: “Believe the rumors. Some parts of Mass. already have 2 feet of snow, some have 30 inches (and it still hasn’t stopped snowing).” It must be Al. I can’t imagine anything else that could account for this.