SOLARGATE UPDATE: Chicago Tribune Editorial: The Solyndra saga: Obama administration put taxpayers on hook for failed venture. “There are a lot of questions around this deal. At least one investor in it was a prominent Obama fundraiser. Some Democrats say Solyndra executives may have misled them. If the federal government can’t responsibly manage the money it’s doling out in the name of economic stimulus, then it has no business doling out the money — period. At a minimum, this episode illustrates the perils of sinking taxpayer dollars into risky private ventures.”

At a minimum. Plus this: “A nickel’s worth of business sense and a dime’s worth of caution might have saved Uncle Sam millions — and the Obama administration a heap of trouble.” Where are you going to find a nickel’s worth of business sense in an administration where there’s no private-sector experience? And caution is for lesser mortals, not The One and his chosen crew.