WHEN IT’S BAD THAT CIVIL RIGHTS GROUPS have influence. “The thing that really, really, really scared the Democrats was Al Gore losing his home state, and the reason was the gun issue. They all know it.”

Related: WaPo Reprises the “90% Lie”, Whines for Selective, Ineffective BATF. “The Washington Post rehashed the infamous and oft-debunked Mexican Gun Canard again this morning in a story they laughably call an ‘exclusive.’ . . . The Post can’t even get through their accompanying photo gallery without exposing their dishonesty; this FN MAG machine gun certainly didn’t come from a U.S. gun store. . . . You simply cannot get the machine guns and grenades the cartels favor in the United States. They come from corruption in Mexico and the same pipeline that brings in drugs from overseas.”

UPDATE: Reader Scott Draeker writes:

The better question is why all these foreign machine guns and other exotic weapons aren’t showing up in US collections. They are banned here, but freely available for cash—and no background checks—just over the border. Could it be that this story is really one of just how law abiding US gun owners are?

Don’t expect the WaPo to stress that angle.