PATTY MURRAY RECYCLES: Patty Murray’s Attack Ad Redux: Recycled Video May Raise Campaign Finance Questions.

If you have been getting an annoying sense of déjà vu while watching the air blitz in the U.S. Senate race, it may be because you’ve seen it all before. I’m not referring to Republican challenger Dino Rossi’s previous campaigns for elected office, but instead to a remarkable amount of video and interview footage from Sen. Patty Murray’s attack ads against Rossi that bear a striking resemblance to images from ads against Rossi that aired in 2008. Only the ads that aired in ’08 were in support of Gov. Chris Gregoire and paid for by one-time SEIU and AFL-CIO darling, the Evergreen Progress political action committee.

Well, she gets all her ideas from these people, so why not ads? Sure, it may be illegal, but campaign finance laws — like taxes — are for the little people.