OOPSIE! The Hill: Clinton says he was wrong on healthcare bill’s popularity. “Former president Bill Clinton, a champion of healthcare reform, admitted on Sunday that he made the wrong prediction about the popularity of President Obama’s healthcare bill. Initially, Clinton had predicted that the polls in favor of Democrats would be boosted as soon as the legislation was signed into law. Instead, Clinton said on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press,’ his prediction was wrong for two reasons.”

From the comments: “The health care reform bill was rammed down the throats of the majority of people in this country and they wonder why we’re upset? Thank God they’re not doctors or we’d all be on life support.”

UPDATE: Den Beste on Obama’s Legacy. “History will judge Obama’s biggest historical effect to be the backlash he will inspire against him among voters. His most important legacy will be the Tea Party movement, which wouldn’t have happened without him.”

ANOTHER UPDATE: It’s a helluva party.