IN TANZANIA, albino murders. “Over the last year, more than 40 albinos have been murdered in Tanzania, some as young as six months old. Many more have been attacked with machetes, their limbs cut off while alive. Their body parts are used by witchdoctors in potions and remedies as they are believed to bring wealth and success in business.”

UPDATE: David Kirkham emails:

I just spent a week in Tanzania earlier this month. The country is beautiful; the people are beautiful. I saw quite a bit of the country because we were looking into building affordable, high quality housing there. I saw billboards all across the country urging people to turn in these evil murderers with reminders albinos are human too. The practice is widely reviled in the country. There is a lot of hope for a brighter future as the government is quite determined to stamp this out and lift their people from poverty.

Well, that’s encouraging.