John Oliver Mocks Mike Pence's Daughter's Bunny Book With a 'Better' Version Featuring Gay Marriage

John Oliver visits 92nd Street Y on March 20, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Noam Galai/Getty Images)

“Last Week Tonight” host John Oliver dedicated a large segment of his show on Sunday to attacking Vice President Mike Pence, but in doing so he attacked a book about Pence’s bunny published Monday by Pence’s 24-year-old daughter, Charlotte Rose. He didn’t just attack it — he published another book to subvert it, and to push homosexuality in every way possible.


Oliver spent the segment mocking Pence, but he did say one thing he liked about the vice president — “I kind of like his rabbit.” The television host said “Marlon Bundo,” the name of Pence’s rabbit, “is an objectively good name for a bunny.” He said “Marlon Bundo is the most likable thing about a perfectly unlikeable man,” and compared it to the fact that Roger Ailes is dead (seriously, he said this).

“Our story is about Marlon Bundo falling in love with another boy rabbit, because our Marlon Bundo is gay, just like the real Marlon Bundo,” Oliver said. (Interestingly, the actor Marlon Brando did admit to having had “homosexual experiences,” but he also slept with women, including Marilyn Monroe.)

The late-night host announced that his book about Marlon Bundo is available at Amazon and at

“This isn’t some adult book telling Mike Pence to go f**k himself, although by buying it, that’s what you would be doing,” Oliver said. The late-night host’s book also would be “telling” the real author, Charlotte Rose Pence, “to go f**k” herself.

Charlotte Rose Pence is a 24-year-old filmmaker who has made movies about mental illness, fraud, and the dangers of texting and driving. She volunteered at an organic vegetable farm in Spain. (She is not the poet and educator Charlotte Pence, by the way.) She has described herself as “more of a moderate or an independent,” in contrast to her conservative father and President Trump.


Charlotte Rose Pence co-authored the book “Marlon Bundo’s Day in the Life of the Vice President” with her mother, Second Lady Karen Pence.

Despite his bold claim that “there is no such thing as the homosexual agenda,” John Oliver’s segment — and his book — seemed a caricature of every social conservative’s nightmare.

A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo” not only stole Charlotte Pence’s idea and the name of Mike Pence’s rabbit, but preached same-sex marriage — against the villainous control-freak “Stink Bug,” who looks just like Mike Pence.

bug with the face and hair of Mike Pence

YouTube screenshot of John Oliver’s bunny book’s presentation of Mike Pence as a stink bug.

The proceeds for the book will go to the Trevor Project, a nonprofit focused on promoting LGBT identity in order to prevent suicide. One of the narrators of the Audible audiobook version is none other than RuPaul, whose name is synonymous with drag racing.

How did Oliver justify this ridiculously offensive attack on Pence’s family? He noted one of the locations on the book tour.

“I would love to say, ‘Fine, it’s a fun, sweet book about a rabbit, who gives a s**t?’ But unfortunately, one of the stops on that book tour is at Focus on the f**king Family. So congratulations, Pence, you even managed to ruin Marlon Bundo,” Oliver declared.


The late-night host smeared Focus on the Family, claiming that the organization supports “gay conversion therapy.” Indeed, the social conservative group suggests that people with same-sex attraction can alter their sexual orientation, but it does not support the infamous shock “therapy” or other horrendous abuses often associated with this effort.

As the organization’s former president, James Dobson, said, gay people “don’t all change, it’s not easy to change.” As a Christian, however, he said he believed that God can save people from unwanted same-sex attraction.

Oliver twisted old jokes from former Focus on the Family President James Dobson and ran the clip of Omarosa Manigault mocking Mike Pence for thinking Jesus speaks to him. Noting that Pence “once defended the ‘sanctity of marriage,'” Oliver quoted Manigault: “‘Jesus ain’t say that.’ She’s right, he didn’t say it.”

Actually, Jesus emphatically did say that. In Mark 10 and Matthew 19, Jesus explicitly quoted Genesis in arguing against the cultural trend of easy divorce. “It was because your hearts were hard that Moses wrote you this law. But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ … Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate” (Mark 10:5-9).


Jesus referred to Himself as a bridegroom (Mark 2:19), chose a wedding for His first miracle (John 2), and compared the kingdom of heaven to a wedding banquet (Matthew 22). Throughout the Bible, God’s relationship with Israel and Jesus Christ’s relationship with the church are presented as marriages — with God as the groom and His people as the bride.

John Oliver not only attacked Mike Pence’s family — his daughter and his bunny — but he did so in a public way that subverted the Pence book by presenting his own book and an audiobook with celebrities. He denied Jesus’ words, and attacked a pro-family organization by suggesting that it supports torture.

In denying the very existence of the “homosexual agenda,” the late-night host embodied that agenda.

Despite all this, Charlotte Rose Pence took it in stride. She shared a message from Marlon Bundo, “Not gonna lie, I do look pretty fly in a bow tie. The only thing better than one bunny book for charity is…TWO bunny books for charity.”


Watch John Oliver’s segment below.


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