The Tyranny of Nice

“Since I had the misfortune to become ensnared in the Canadian ‘human rights’ racket, I’ve come to appreciate more and more the comment one fellow left on an Internet post somewhere or other, remarking that he was in favour of free speech, because the alternatives ‘were just too weird.’”


–Mark Steyn, excerpted from his introduction to The Tyranny of Nice.

On Monday, PJM Political’s Ed Driscoll spoke with frequent Pajamas correspondent Kathy Shaidle (who blogs at her popular Five Feet Of Fury site) and Washington Times contributor Pete Vere, about their new book on Canada’s “Human Rights Commissions”, The Tyranny of Nice, whose article-length introduction was written by Mark Steyn. The interview runs just under 40 minutes; click below to listen:


(Want to download instead of streaming? Click here. Or click here to download the lo-fi edition.)

You can read an excerpt from the book focusing on Mark Steyn’s show trial this past June, in Canada’s Western Standard, whose publisher, Ezra Levant, along with Steyn and Shaidle, is yet another journalist who has run afoul of the Canadian thought police.


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