Don't Sing in Caracas

According to the London Telegraph, Leader Chavez has proclaimed that it’s un-socialist to sing in the shower in Venezuela.  Yes, I know it reads like satire, but so much of modern life does…


“Some people sing in the shower, in the shower half an hour. No kids, three minutes is more than enough. I’ve counted, three minutes, and I don’t stink,” he said during a televised Cabinet meeting.

Getting into his stride, he went on to label baths and jacuzzis anti-communist.

“If you are going to lie back, in the bath, with the soap and you turn on the what’s it called, the Jacuzzi… imagine that, what kind of communism is that? We’re not in times of Jacuzzi,” he said, to laughter from his ministers.

Obviously I can’t vouch for this;  I didn’t see the television broadcast.  Read it all and judge for yourself.


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