Keep up the great work on Instapundit. Did you know, you are hated with a passion by a lot of academic leftists and their disciples in my town, looks like these folks are aghast that the conventional wisdom, as they see it, is being questioned by the whole Blogging movement. They are upset that folks like Chomsky and Fisk are analysed and exposed for the anti-American, pro Islamo-fascist, pro-terrorist idiots they are.

Hated? Me? How can you hate someone for a weblog? But then, hatred doesn’t come as easily to me as it does to so many who see themselves as part of the Forces of Good. Oh well. I’m tempted to say let them hate me, so long as they fear me. And there are more bloggers where I come from. . . . But really, it’s just plain sad if people are getting their panties in a wad over InstaPundit. It’s an admission that they don’t have much to bring to the debate besides tired old ideas that were mostly stupid when I first heard them (and they, or their parents, first uttered them) back in 1968. I was just a kid then. But even — or perhaps especially — to a kid, that stuff was obviously self-indulgent twaddle. And it hasn’t improved with age.

It’s too bad, too. An intelligent peace movement would be useful. But we don’t have one of those.