OBAMA’S LEAD slips to three points? Should we believe that? Beats me. Polls have seemed especially volatile this time around. It makes sense for both the campaigns to act as if it’s true, though.

UPDATE: Colin Powell endorses Obama. Dog bites man?

Meanwhile, spread the wealth around:

Currently, Barack Obama is outspending John McCain on the airwaves by something like four to one. It seems likely that he will succeed in buying the Presidential election.

But wait! We know that Obama is in favor of “spreading the wealth around” so as to achieve what he thinks is fairness. So presumably Obama will be willing to share his vast resources with the McCain campaign so the playing field will be level for the last weeks of the campaign. That’s only fair, right? What do you say, Barack? And if not, why not?

PAUL responds: Obama didn’t break his promise to rely on public financing (if McCain did too) for nothing.

If Obama can opt out of public financing for campaigns, can the rest of us opt out of public financing for everything else? . . . .

MORE: Roger Simon: Powell’s Obama Endorsement: the religious factor.