IF I’D KNOWN I’D LIVE THIS LONG, I’d have taken better care of myself: “The vast majority of people are quite comfortable engaging in habits that cause great harm to the old person they will one day be – cutting off years or even decades of health. . . . Many of the strategies for success in life revolve around doing what needs to be done rather than what you’d like to be doing – ignoring the inner time preference voice in favor of working towards long-term goals. Saving for retirement, for example. In just the same way, living in good health for long enough to benefit from a future of longevity therapies requires us to act as though future years of health are valuable. They are in fact very valuable: if you lose them, you also lose the chance at decades or even centuries more healthy life made possible by future advances in medical science.”

On the other hand, you also have to hedge against the possibility of being hit by a bus tomorrow. Luckily Chianti may help with both!