MORE ON IKE, FROM BRENDAN LOY. It’s getting worse. Also, a look at its energy impact as refineries are shut down or damaged.

Plus, testing a new web-based disaster reporting system aimed at Ike. Follow the link, especially if you’re somewhere near the Texas coast. Er, unless you’re on the Texas coast, in which case you should really be leaving, like, now.

UPDATE: Watching TV a bit earlier, the Insta-Wife commented that politicians aren’t making a big deal about Ike the way they did about Gustav. That’s true.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Riding out the storm on a disabled ship. That wouldn’t be my choice, but then I’m sure it wasn’t theirs, either.

Meanwhile, lots of people refused to evacuate. Lou Minatti is worried about them. Personally, if Brendan Loy says to get out, I’d get out.

Loy himself can’t believe how many people stayed on Galveston Island: “Why the hell didn’t these people leave? I’m speaking of Galveston specifically — the other places, I understand a bit more, but 40% of people on Galveston Island refusing to evacuate?? It makes me angry. Scared for them, yes, but also, angry. Honestly.”

Meanwhile, John Little is blogging from Houston, and Dr. Melissa Clouthier is blogging from The Woodlands.

More: Hurricane Ike could be ‘catastrophe’ for Texas.

More here.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Looking on the bright side: “Firedoglake predicts Ike will be worse than Katrina. This is good news for Texas, because Firedoglake is always wrong about everything.” Let’s hope that record holds . . .

And Brendan Loy is still updating.

Also, a big roundup from Lawhawk.

And as I watch Geraldo out there in the wind, I note what one of Brendan Loy’s commenters says about people who won’t evacuate:

Part of it might be seeing Geraldo on the sea wall. Heck, if the media is going to stay, along with the firemen, why not?

I’m all for folks making up their own minds. I’d like a big concrete structure to get in though, if I decided to ride it out. And plenty of water, batteries, food…et.

But nobody likes to be shown up by some chick in a windbreaker with a microphone.

These dumb standups by the press don’t do anything useful, and they set a bad example.

Lots more at

Texas Rainmaker: “Looks like we picked the wrong one to try and ride out.”

Plus, more from Dr. Melissa Clouthier: “I think people need to understand how profoundly the refining being down is going to affect the nation. Even if the refineries could get back going the minute the storm passes, it will take at least a week to get going again. And, it should be noted, the refineries will not get going the minute the storm passes. America needs to build more.”

And here’s John Little’s Twitter feed.

Plus the Disaster Watch Twitter feed.