MICHAEL TOTTEN: The Truth About Russia in Georgia. I got home from the gym the other day and there was a message on my answering machine — it was Michael Yon, calling from Afghanistan on satphone to make sure I’d seen Michael Totten’s latest report. That tells you how good he is, doesn’t it? . . . So read it, and learn that much of what was reported was wrong.

Remember, like Michael Yon he’s supported by his readers.

UPDATE: By a curious coincidence, Totten’s site appears to be under cyber-attack. He emails that they’re working on it, and I’ll make sure it gets a new link when it’s fixed. He adds: “I do suspect this is a Russian cyber attack. The hate mail I received from the piece I published at City Journal was absolutely unbelievable, more vicious than anything I have ever received when writing about any topic whatsoever. And that piece was very very mild compared to this one.”

ANOTHER UPDATE: Seems to be working now, so I’m bumping it.