DON KATES: Gun rights for felons?

UPDATE: Okay, this bit is worth breaking out, and has ramifications going far beyond the gun context:

In sum, the constitutional right to arms simply does not extend to people convicted of serious criminal offenses. By “serious,” I refer to the early common law – under which felonies were real wrongs like rape, robbery and murder.

Unfortunately, modern legislatures have added a host of trivial felonies. For instance, in California an 18-year-old girl who has oral sex with her 17-year-old boyfriend has committed a felony. The courts should rule that conviction of such a trivial felony can’t deprive such a “felon” of her right to arms.

I’ve written about this subject — the promiscuous creation of trivial felonies — in the past. I also would argue, though, that you shouldn’t restore felons’ right to vote unless you’re willing to restore all their rights, including the right to possess arms. Citizenship should be a package deal.

ANOTHER UPDATE: I see that others have made a similar point.