PENNSYLVANIA POLLS have been closed for 20 minutes, but no numbers or projections. Plenty of TV blather, though!

UPDATE: Clinton 67, Obama 33 — with a big, big, less than one percent of the vote in. Expect this to change. . . .

ANOTHER UPDATE: Liveblogging of the results from TalkLeft, and, from Stephen Green, drunkblogging. Green’s still sober enough to make this excellent point about the Democrats’ nominating rules: “If the Democrats ran a winner-take-all system like the Republicans and the Electoral College do, she’d have this thing clinched — and Obama would look like a regional candidate who can’t win much outside the South and his home state of Illinois.”

MORE: Fox is projecting a Clinton win, but no margin yet.

STILL MORE: CNN calls it for Clinton, too.

MORE STILL: Mighty Casey has struck out.