SO THIS WEEKEND I TRAVELED TO NASHVILLE to attend a law clerks’ reunion marking Judge Merritt’s 30th anniversary on the bench. It was a good time, and the Judge looked great.

There wasn’t a lot of political talk, but I heard a long-term “yellow dog” Democrat say that he would never vote for Hillary no matter what. “I’d sooner vote for a third term for George W. Bush.” And another person said that she was hearing a lot of anti-Hillary talk in Boston, which should be pretty Hillary-friendly territory.

I’m not crazy about Hilary, but I don’t feel the visceral hatred that some people do. But some people really do feel that visceral hatred, and interestingly quite a few of them are Democrats.

UPDATE: Ed Cone: “Yep. Last night I saw a genuine Upper West Side liberal literally shudder at the mention of Hillary’s name.”

Plus this: “I don’t really get the whole visceral hatred thing, but I guess I’m less inclined to personalize my relationships with politicians than some folks.” Me too.

MORE: Some people, on the other hand, personalize everything. Whatever.