Archive for 2016

“HEY, BITCH, CHANGE YOUR VOTE:” Clinton Superdelegates “Feel The Bern.” “Other superdelegates told stories of harassment in Alaska, Utah, Colorado, Maine, Idaho and Arizona. As the Vermont senator has won a string of statewide victories lately, it has intensified Sanders supporters’ anger at his his 469-31 deficit among superdelegates (although Clinton leads him among pledged delegates awarded by the primaries and caucuses too). . . . Sanders supporters have also been blamed for some of the disruptions at Republican front-runner Donald Trump’s rallies. These aren’t the first complaints about harassment by enraged Sanders devotees. When, a progressive organization that endorsed Sanders, mobilized thousands of supporters to protest outside a Trump rally in Chicago last month, the protests turned so violent that the police arrived on scene and the event was cancelled.”

Well, Sanders is a socialist. They tend toward violence.

MARIE CLAIRE EXPLAINS TO WOMEN Why You Should Be Shaving Your Face. “Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn are even rumored to have done it. It’s a less intense form of dermaplaning, a cosmetic procedure performed by an aesthetician, dermatologist, or cosmetic surgeon, in which an instrument similar to a scalpel is used to shave the face. The procedure exfoliates the skin, removing dead skin cells, and in the process also removes fine vellus hair. My patients feel it gives them a smoother finish for makeup.”


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WAIT, I THOUGHT THE SCIENCE WAS SETTLED: Exercise Doesn’t Build Bone. “Which isn’t to say that exercise cannot protect bones in other ways. Studies have found that older people who did weight bearing exercise decreased their risk of fractures. But this seems to be more likely explained by the fact that exercise leads to stronger muscles that in turn made falling less likely.”

AMTRAK TRAIN STRIKES BACKHOE ON TRACKS NEAR PHILADELPHIA, DERAILS WITH 340-PLUS ON BOARD. “Two people are confirmed dead after an accident involving an Amtrak train in Chester, Delaware County,” WPVI, the local ABC affiliate adds. “Amtrak has suspended all service on the Northeast Corridor service including between Philadelphia and New York City.”


Counseling and therapy is available in the lobby, which is a designated safe space area for those traumatized by the above video.

K-12 IMPLOSION UPDATE: More Chaos at Chicago Public Schools.

This last comment is telling, because it points to a structural problem that is contributing to this dysfunction (Chicago teachers have been threatening strikes regularly for the last several years): namely, that people who live outside of Chicago, and have no voice in how the Chicago schools are run, must be taxed in order to provide the money to run Chicago schools the way the Chicago city government—or, more accurately, the Chicago Teachers Union—thinks they should be run.

A big part of blue state politics is the effort to equalize school spending across districts; rich Illinois suburbs can afford better schools than poor towns and cities, so they are asked to send extra money to Springfield to subsidize underfunded schools in Chicago. And it’s not just Illinois—state Democratic parties across the country are eager to subsidize schools in poor places with money raised in rich ones. (Incidentally, this may be one reason Democrats are struggling at the state level).

There is nothing wrong with this arrangement in and of itself—money should be redirected to children from poor families. The problem is that there is no countervailing understanding that if Illinoisans at large are going to pay for Chicago’s schools, sooner or later taxpayers will want some say in how the schools are managed. (The available evidence suggests that they are not being managed well, to say the least). But when Springfield tries to impose cuts or reforms, as it is now, political interests in Chicago fight them tooth and nail.

Remember, it has nothing to do with educating kids. It’s about graft and vote-buying.

DISPATCHES FROM THE BATHROOM WARS: New York College Decides To Make ALL Bathrooms Gender-Neutral: “Instead of being classified as ‘men’s,’ ‘women’s,’ or single-occupancy restrooms, all facilities at the Cooper Union will carry descriptive signs describing exactly what lies within. Former men’s rooms, for instance, are now described as ‘urinals and stalls,’ while former women’s rooms now carry the label ‘stalls only.’ Regardless of their type, all bathrooms will be open to whomever wants to use them. According to Inside Higher Education, Cooper Union appears to be the first college in the country to entirely de-gender all of its bathroom facilities.”

What could go wrong?