COUNTERPROTESTS IN PARIS: InstaPundit reader Kerry Hardy emails:

Libérte-Chérie, SOS Education, and a number of other groups organised an “anti-blocade/anti-strike” demonstration today here in Paris in response to the violent anti-reform protests that have been taking place at the Sorbonne and elsewhere. Despite the temperature (around 36 degrees) and the hour (2pm), there were still several thousand people. And there will be a new demonstration on Sunday afternoon. There are people in France who are pro-reform, who want to study, who want to work, and who are sick of being stopped from doing so by those who don’t—and who understand that labor law reform is essential to job creation.

Great ambiance, young and old, lots of leaflet distribution to correct the misunderstandings about the CPE (Contract of First Employment).

She sends some photos, too.

