JOSH MARSHALL, blogging from New Hampshire: “I think Dean is in very bad shape. The issue isn’t so much, or isn’t exclusively, the loss in Iowa or the whole business with his speech. Rather, I have the sense that he’s neutered himself in the final stretch.”

His readers paid to send him there to report. Looks like they’re getting their money’s worth.

UPDATE: Roger Simon has observations on tonight’s debate. And Jeff Jarvis observes: ” This debate got more attention than any before. This was the chance for a candidate to electrify the audience. Nobody did.”

ANOTHER UPDATE: Mark Kleiman says that Clark is getting the shaft from the Kerry spin machine. Meanwhile Andrew Sullivan says that Clark is toast. The two are not, of course, mutually inconsistent. (Kleiman also takes me to task for even linking an earlier Tacitus item without doing extensive research into the pro-Clark spin. Personally, I think that’s a bit grumpy of him.)