ACCORDING TO THIS ARTICLE, Saddam was bribing a lot of journalists and politicians.

Is it ethical not to expose these people, if we find out who they are?

UPDATE: Meanwhile, these thoughts on George Galloway:

Leaving aside unproved accusations of personal gain, there are other explanations that might cover George’s sudden blindness on the road to Baghdad. And the most obvious is that sin of the committed, the belief that my enemy’s enemy is my friend. Or, in the context of the modern world, any anti-American will do. When Iraq stopped being a friend of the West it became a friend of George’s.

This is linked to a characteristic of much of the Left, which is a strangely cavalier attitude towards freedom and democracy. What, for example, should we make of this question from Tam Dalyell, asked in Parliament in 1998: ‘Is an alternative to Saddam Hussein,’ queried the man who has condemned Tony Blair as a war criminal, ‘really preferable? How can we be sure that post-Saddam Iraq will not descend into civil war along religious and tribal lines – like the north of Iraq?’

True, the same people will often shield themselves with one half sentence about Saddam’s ‘appaling human rights record’. But this is a phrase invoked as a defence against the reality of that record.
