VACATION: I may post a few items later tonight, but then I’m outta here. I’m scuba diving this week, and — unless there’s a U.S. invasion or a major terrorist attack sufficient to encourage me to find an Internet cafe on a tropical island — I have no plans to post or check email before next weekend. If you send me email, it’ll probably become part of a huge heap that won’t be read when I return, so you probably shouldn’t bother unless it’s something really important. In fact, you definitely shouldn’t bother unless it’s something really important.

I thought about getting someone to serve as a Special Guest Blogger while I was gone or something, but I thought that would make InstaPundit seem too much like, you know, a job. Have a great week, celebrate the Fourth of July (er, and Canada Day for you hosers up North) appropriately, and I’ll see you next weekend. In the meantime, check out the fine bloggers to the left — and my TechCentralStation column should be up on Wednesday as usual.

UPDATE: Oh, and don’t miss the new NZ Bear site and reset your bookmarks accordingly. Yet another Sekimori effort to beautify the Blogosphere.