READER RAYMOND ECKHART asks what I think about this pro-gay marriage protest at Charlie Crist’s wedding. Sounds like it was orderly, nondisruptive, and nonviolent, so it’s fine with me. Which should be obvious.

UPDATE: Kingsley Browne emails:

If “it’s fine with me” means “it’s fine with me that it’s legal”, then it’s fine with me, too. But if it means “it’s fine with me and I don’t think it’s tacky at all,” then I’ll have to part company with you. Would you be okay with the Instadaughter’s wedding being protested because someone didn’t like something she did in her job, or didn’t like who she worked for, even if the protest were “orderly, nondisruptive, and nonviolent”?

I might be, but such protesters would have to deal with the Insta-wife, beside whom I’m the soul of moderation and nonviolence.