FOR THE GENERAL ELECTION, PERHAPS TRUMP OR CRUZ COULD POSITION HIMSELF AS A TEDDY ROOSEVELT-STYLE TRUSTBUSTER: Too much of a good thing: Profits are too high. America needs a giant dose of competition.

What is true of the airline industry is increasingly true of America’s economy as a whole. Profits have risen in most rich countries over the past ten years but the increase has been biggest for American firms. Coupled with an increasing concentration of ownership, this means the fruits of economic growth are being hoarded. This is probably part of the reason that two-thirds of Americans, including a majority of Republicans, have come to believe that the economy “unfairly favours powerful interests”, according to polling by Pew, a research outfit. It means that when Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, the Democratic contenders for president, say that the economy is “rigged”, they have a point.

Yeah, but it’s rigged by Dem contributors, so it’s up to Republicans to bust up the big corporations!