MISSOURI USED TO BE CALLED THE “SHOW ME” STATE FOR ITS INHABITANTS’ HARD-HEADED SKEPTICISM, BUT THAT WAS BEFORE IT HAD THE ADVANTAGE OF MODERN HIGHER EDUCATION: Was The Poop Swastika Incident At Mizzou A Giant Hoax? “Did the incident happen as reported, or did two university administrators resign over protests that were sparked by a hoax? And if the incident did happen as reported, a proposition for which no publicly available evidence currently exists, how did university administrators and law enforcement authorities confirm that the vandalism was driven by racial animosity, as opposed to being promulgated as a public relations stunt meant to tar the university for failing to provide an environment free of racist invective? It would not be the first time a public university fell victim to a high profile PR stunt that was later revealed to be a fabrication.”

Related: #Mizzou student body prez retracts statements about confirmed Klan sighting.

Jesus, you people are pathetic. Get a grip.

UPDATE: Hey, Mizzou: Where’s The Poop? “At this point … we have nothing.”