QUOTE OF THE DAY: Ted Cruz had a social media *mic drop* moment when he slammed CNBC debate moderators and the media in general as partisans more interested in starting a fight than discussing substantive issues:

“The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don’t trust the media,” Cruz said. “This is not a cage match.” From there, he listed the questions candidate were asked and said, “How about talking about the substantive issues people care about?”

The crowd erupted in applause.

Well deserved, too. But as Ace asks, why does the RNC sanction these moderators?

Update: Marco Rubio adds, “The Democrats have the ultimate super-PAC; it’s called the mainstream media.”

More: Chris Christie piles on: “John, do you want me to answer or do you want to answer? Even in New Jersey, what you’re doing is rude.”