NBC: OUR OMERTÀ IS SHOWING! Brian Williams returns to television, riding out his contract with NBC on its little-watched cable subsidiary, MSNBC. “There was no mention of the media scandal that galvanized the nation in February and cost Williams his prestigious post at NBC,” USA Today reports:

It was as if nothing had happened, as if Williams hadn’t been off the air for nearly two-thirds of a year after an episode that led to an embarrassing demotion and a substantial pay cut. Williams will now anchor breaking news for MSNBC, NBC”s sister cable news network where Williams used to work, and will have no regular time slot.  He also will occasionally anchor special reports on NBC.

It had been telegraphed that Williams won’t speak further about the scandal and will not subject himself to interviews about it.

How does that work exactly? Are conversations with Williams only approved with the caveat that the interviewer not bring up how he wrecked his career? Will any interviewer attempt to get Williams on the record, ideally with cameras rolling, on this topic? Do politicians get carve-outs on embarrassing issues before they go on a live NBC or MSNBC show?

I mean, besides Hillary, Obama, and other Democrats, of course.