First, it is indeed a striking coincidence that Judge Day’s miscellaneous ethical lapses are suddenly of interest to the Oregon Commission on Judicial Fitness and Disability. The commission’s complaint (PDF) even includes allegations that Judge Day was a bad soccer dad, for heaven’s sake (Day said the other guy pushed first) and improperly raised money for a veterans’ display. It’s hard not to agree with Judge Day that this is a politically motivated hit.

What about that Hitler photo? According to Korten, it was part of a World War II display. “We went to war against Hitler,” Korten told Reuters. “His picture was there. It was not admiringly. It was him as the epitome of the enemy that we went to fight against.”

A photograph of the display has now surfaced, and appears to bear out this story. While Hitler’s image is unusually large, it is surrounded by American veterans’ memorabilia. It is in bad aesthetic taste, perhaps, but is hardly a shrine to Hitler.

Surely the commission acted in bad faith. They had to know the headlines that would result from its accusation of Judge Day “hanging a picture of Hitler in the Marion County Courthouse.” After all, what did you picture when you read the first line of this story? This allegation makes Judge Day into the victim of a progressive-led hit job.

This is who they are. This is what they do.