‘LONE WOLVES,’ TRUMP AND THE ELECTION OF 2016, from Roger Simon, who is not happy with The Donald’s crude attack on McCain’s POW status:

Most importantly, as an admiral’s son, McCain was offered early repatriation by the North Vietnamese and refused, choosing to stay with the other POWs and be tortured and beaten continually to the proverbial inch of his life. (He attempted suicide at one point.) According to Wikipedia, which appears to be well-sourced on this matter, McCain spent nearly five of his five and a half years in prison because he refused this privileged repatriation.   I don’t know a single other contemporary figure who can say the same. Do you?

So goodbye, Donald, it’s been fun. You did a good job bringing up immigration, Mexico and sanctuary cities, but you’d be a lousy commander-in-chief of the United States military.  And if there’s anything clear right now, that is by far the most important qualification we should be looking for in our next president.  In fact, you could almost say it’s the only one.  Earlier, I have written, referencing The Godfather,  more than ever “we need a wartime consigliere.”  I’m doubtful about my opinions about many things, but not about that.

Read the whole thing — and note the number of comments defending Trump that went up within an hour of Roger’s initial posting near midnight Pacific time; shades of the intensely loyal followers of Perot in 1992 and Ron Paul in ’08.