APRES MOI, LE DELUGE: A reader emails:

One interesting angle on BHO’s double-down lame duck presidency that I’ve not seen anywhere is that he clearly couldn’t care less about positioning his putative successor for a win in 2016. I can’t think of a sitting president (in my memory at least) whose VP was not considered a serious candidate, if not the heir presumptive. (For all their mutual disdain, Bill Clinton was willing to do whatever it took for Gore, who was so busy distancing himself from Clinton, he failed to notice that folks didn’t care.) I don’t think he’s clever enough to be going through the Left’s wish list (“mandatory voting!” “amnesty!” “free community college!”) to allow Hillary to position herself to his right the better to appeal to the median voter.

I suppose that it fits within the (1) “He’s above politics, man” meme that gets floated as well as the (2) he’s an insatiable narcissist, which are two sides, perhaps, of the same coin.

Maybe this is being discussed and I just don’t visit the right websites.

Not as much as it might be. Good point.