Archive for October, 2012

BREAKING: CIVILIZATION AS WE KNOW IT OFFICIALLY CONCLUDED: Noam Chomsky appears in M.I.T. ‘Gangnam Style’ parody.

UPDATE: A reader emails that I’ve “missed the best part of the Chomsky cameo in the MIT Gangnam Style parody, explained here. Punch line:”

“Gangnam Style” is a Korean neologism that refers to a lifestyle associated with the Gangnam district of Seoul, where people are trendy, hip and exude a certain supposed “class”… The song’s refrain “오빤 강남 스타일 (Oppan Gangnam style)” has been translated as “Big brother is Gangnam style”, with PSY referring to himself; “Oppa”, a Korean expression used by females to refer to an older male friend or older brother, is also used by K-Pop fans to address their K-Pop idols.

You can interpret “Big brother is Chomsky style” as you wish.

Doubleplus-heh, indeed.

SCOTT JOHNSON: THE FACEBOOK SPIKE. Disgraceful partisanship on Facebook’s part. It’s nice that they’ve apologized, but I’d like some assurance they won’t do something like it again.

LIAR, LIAR:  But will Benghazi-gate catch fire?

NOTE: Font size does not reflect relative degree of media emphasis.

FACT-CHECKING the increasingly risible Tom Friedman. “Friedman’s problem is that he knows little or nothing about Minnesota politics. He implies that today’s Republican legislative candidates have only limited appeal because they are too extreme. But he fails to mention that in 2010, the GOP captured both houses of Minnesota’s legislature in a stunning sweep, winning the Senate for the first time since it became a partisan body some decades ago.” Just remember, his foreign reporting probably isn’t any better, just harder to check.

CAPTAIN’S JOURNAL ON BENGHAZI: “There is a paper trail of deployments, locations, arming orders, force sizes, and so on and so forth. There is yet another paper trail of orders, requests, directives and other communications that fateful night. We won’t stop until it is all public and assessed by all of us. We will get it, eventually. We will all see it. We will know who did what, who said what, what assets were where, who lied, who equivocated, and who came clean. We will name names. The players who have any integrity left should come clean now and spill everything. It will go better for everyone in the long run. But it won’t change the facts. And the facts will be found out. That’s our promise.”

Related: Classified cable warned consulate couldn’t withstand ‘coordinated attack.’

Also: Obama’s Libya Stonewalling Isn’t Working: “In the latest CBS/New York Times poll likely voters disapprove of Obama’s handling of the Libya attacks by a margin of 51 percent to 38 percent. Among independents disapproval is even higher at 57 percent.” Despite the media’s best efforts to protect him.

The truth will come out. Who wants to be the last man to see his career die for someone else’s mistake?

MICKEY KAUS: Is welfare Romney’s clincher? “Don’t sophisticated Washington types like to say ‘personnel is policy’? Obama put paleoliberal activists–e.g. Mark Greenberg, Sharon Parrott–who have no sympathy for welfare reform’s work requirements in charge of the program. That’s Obama’s bad. Now he’s paying the price.”

THE DEADBEAT CLUB: A helpful reminder for anybody owed money by a Democratic organization. “Specifically: if you’re a vendor who has sold goods or services to either the DNC, the DCCC, and/or OfA, and you have not been paid yet… this is the week to settle your bills.”

My advice: With your invoice, include a draft press release dated Friday about how they haven’t paid up. Just for encouragement.


Film actor Gene Hackman slapped a homeless man after the homeless man called Hackman’s wife a “c–t”, according to police.

Did we mention the Academy Award winner is now 82?

You don’t want to mess with 82-year old Buzz Aldrin, either.

THAT’S GONNA LEAVE A MARK: “To mark Michael Mann’s Nobel Prize, we bought this full-page ad that ran in today’s Penn State student newspaper.”

THE YALE DAILY NEWS REPORTS on Pat Moran’s criminal investigation for voter fraud. “Moran was forced to resign as field director from his father’s — U.S. Representative Jim Moran (D) — reelection campaign on Oct. 24 after he was caught on tape telling an undercover reporter to look into a plan that would vote in place of up to 100 registered voters who rarely voted. The volunteer had pitched the plan, and though Moran was initially hesitant, he eventually offers tips on forging utility bills and bank statements to pass voter registration laws.”

I’M SORRY, ED, but both of those sculptures are aesthetically awful. The older one is actually worse because Rupert Schmid only intended to say “beauty” and failed. Viola Frey was doing comical commentary and (arguably) succeeded. I’m sure Frey would have found it funny that you and PJMedia deplore her work, but Schmid would have felt wounded to have been thought a tasteless hack.


Camille Paglia, call your office:

[youtube HBaahsD9qIA]