Archive for May, 2012

THE HILL: Anti-abortion groups turn ‘war on women’ charge against Democrats. “Democrats hoping to grow a gender gap among female voters tilted toward their party have repeatedly hammered Republicans for engaging in a war on women over issues such as contraception rights. Now opponents of abortion rights are using the phrase ahead of a House vote Thursday imposing fines or imprisonment on doctors who perform abortions they know are motivated in part by the fetus’s gender. The bill would also require medical professionals to tell law enforcement if they suspect an abortion has been performed for that reason.”

It’s a law to protect women. If you oppose it, you must be anti-woman. That’s how it works, right?


THE STORY’S LEAKING INTO THE BIG MEDIA: Fox News Covers Erickson, Patterico SWATtings.

Meanwhile, Donald Douglas is following the money.

UPDATE: Ed Driscoll wonders why CNN is letting itself be scooped by Fox regarding something that happened to one of its own contributors.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Could this dropped ball lead to CNN hiring a new News Director? “CNN is put in the unenviable position to be, at best, second on a story involving harassment of one of their own people. Cripes did they hire the same news director as that Newspaper in Norfolk that didn’t find the beating of their own reporters newsworthy?”

A BRIGHT FUTURE FOR SOLAR POWER IN SPACE. Cloudless, certainly. “Solar power gathered in space could be set to provide the renewable energy of the future thanks to innovative research being carried out by engineers at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. Researchers at the University have already tested equipment in space that would provide a platform for solar panels to collect the energy and allow it to be transferred back to earth through microwaves or lasers. This unique development would provide a reliable source of power and could allow valuable energy to be sent to remote areas in the world, providing power to disaster areas or outlying areas that are difficult to reach by traditional means.”

SARAH HOYT: “This last weekend I saw no less than two posts, both by people I consider sensible and occasionally brilliant, deploring the freedom of association and freedom of expression on the web. Oh, that’s not what either of them thought he was deploring.”

I WAS EXPECTING AN EARTH-SHATTERING KABOOM: What do the B61, B53 and B83 nuclear bombs have in common? “B53 was one of the biggest and most powerful bombs the U.S. ever developed, and the components — including those originally manufactured at Y-12 and undergoing dismantlement at the Oak Ridge facility — are reported to be oversized as well. Each of the B53 bombs (pictured left) was about the size of a minivan, weighed about 5 tons and had an explosive yield of nine megatons.”

INFURIATED BY virginity. Wait, I thought we were supposed to respect women’s choices. . . .

RELATIONSHIPS: A MONTH OF NO NAGGING. “Right. When does that start, by the way?”

WEIGHT LOSS UPDATE: Reader Michael Wallace writes:

I have been trying to lose about 20 pounds the last couple of years and failing. I have seen your comments on weight loss and mostly looked past them. Then April 20th you recommended the LiveStrong app and pointed out that “dieting” may be a permanent condition for many. For some reason it clicked: there is so much food around us it is very very very difficult to lose weight if you don’t count the calories.

So I bought LiveStrong for my iPhone and began using it on April 21. Since then I have dropped 21 pounds and am measuring everything I consume. Doing so is a fascinating exercise…who knew how small a portion an ounce of ham is? Or how many calories there were in a piece of cornbread The first couple weeks were “different”, but not painful. And I have continued to consume high quality Colorado craft beer, California red wine and Kentucky’s own Broadbent bacon along the way.


P.S. There are probably better apps. There are several things I dislike about LiveStrong, but using it worked.

P.P.S. My daughter, the oil field engineer, is a second generation Instapundit reader. Her news sites didn’t cover the “Obama ate the dog” stuff and she wanted to know where I got news like that. Pepperoni, not pupperoni Barack! Still slays me.

Yes, I didn’t put a lot of research into the Livestrong app — it worked for a friend’s wife so I got it. There may be better ones, but it works. I use it for maintenance; I dropped a few vanity pounds last year, but I’m basically where I want to be. But as I said a while back, in today’s society, most of us have to make a conscious effort not to be fat. It’s a good way to keep track of what you’re eating. I also favor the Gary Taubes approach, seasoned heavily with Mark Rippetoe.

THIS SHOULD BE A SPINAL TAP SONG: Manhattanhenge. “There’s a due-east sunrise and due-west sunset twice a year (the age-old wisdom isn’t all that wise) and Manhattan is set about 30 degrees east of north. If it were perfectly aligned, it would fall on the more-famous solar event, the equinox.”