SEGREGATION IS COOL . . . IF IT’S LIBERAL:   Mike Adams at Townhall discusses how UNC-Wilimington Chancellor Gary Miller has bragged about university programs that are for blacks only and a special graduation ceremony for LGBT students.

This is disgusting balkanization, of course, but it’s been going on in higher ed for years.  I recently received an announcement from the Association of American Law Schools (AALS)–the chief trade organization for US law schools and faculty– for its annual “Workshop for Pretenured People of Color Law School Teachers.”  In the “who should attend” section, it declares, “The workshop will be of interest to newly appointed people of color law school teachers as well as junior professors who are navigating the tenure process and looking for guidance and support.”   There is no similar workshop for pretenured people of non-color (I’ve never really been sure what a person “of color” means, but I’m pretty sure it’s designed to contrast to “whites,” whom I surmise aren’t perceived by some to have any “color”).

The AALS also maintains a separate directory of minority law teachers and a special Section on Minority Groups.

I guess the bottom line is that racial segregation (and probably sexual orientation segregation) is “cool” if it’s done in the name of “diversity.”