YA THINK? Builders of Obamacare website say more testing was needed.

The contractors, CGI Federal and Quality Software Services, said the two weeks of testing done in late September wasn’t enough to ensure the many components from different contractors operating smoothly in unison before the entire system went online Oct. 1.

“We would’ve loved to have months to be able to do that,” CGI Federal Senior Vice President Cheryl Campbell said Thursday during a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing to investigate why the healthcare.gov website hasn’t worked as planned.

Andrew Slavitt, an executive with Quality Software Services’ parent company, said “ideally, integrated testing would’ve occurred well before” it did.
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He said while it was difficult to estimate exactly how much testing time was needed, “months would’ve been nice.”

The federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, not a specialized technical company, conducted the tests.

Maybe years?