FEEL THE HOPE AND CHANGE: Obama Administration vs. Quadriplegic Student Loan Debtor:

With the increased costs of living as a quadriplegic, Mr. Myhre’s monthly income does not cover the monthly expenses for a basic standard of living. He has relied on credit cards and the generosity of his caregiver to make ends meet each month. Out of Mr. Myhre’s $3,526 monthly budget for basic expenses, his caregiver covers $1,423 out of her own pocket. Mr. Myhre’s monthly income is $2,015, and with the help of credit cards, he has been paying $2,103 each month. The burden of this situation led both Mr. Myhre and his caregiver to declare bankruptcy in 2012.

The DOE argues that it would not impose an undue hardship on Mr. Myhre to repay his student loan because he is working full time.

I wonder if he even qualifies for an ObamaPhone.