IS THE CHOCOLATE RATION UP TO 20 GRAMS A WEEK YET IN OCEANIA? Bloomberg on Soda Ban: ‘We’re Not Banning Anything.’

On the other hand, “I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom.”

But as Allahpundit asks at Hot Air, “Who’s the ‘we’ and who’s the ‘you’ in ‘your freedoms’? If ‘we’ get to regulate ‘your’ obesity because, after all, we have to pay for part of the cost to treat it, what other behaviors do ‘we’ get to regulate in the name of saving some money?”

Follow Allah’s post for some modest proposals to Mayor Mike on what he should regulate/ban next, from Ann Coulter and Nick Gillespie. “There’s no limit to the things we could prohibit in the name of cost-cutting. Which, of course, is the problem.”

RELATED: Rick Moran on “The Madness of King Bloomberg and His Acolytes.”