ANOTHER HAPPY READER: David Diefenderfer emails:

In July of this year you noted here at Instapundit the publication of Roger Kimball’s book “The Fortunes of Permanence”. I bought the book and it had (unfortunately, I now realize) sat on my bookshelf unread because of other reading I had set aside to do. Last night I picked Mr Kimball’s book off the shelf and read the preface before going to bed. I was enthralled and I am now very much looking forward to reading the entire book. This is my reading priority. I want to thank you for recommending this book. And I want to thank you in general for your ‘In The Mail’ recommendations on the Instapundit site. I am particularly drawn to those authors such as Mr Kimball who so articulately and unapologetically express of the values of our liberty and culture.

Glad to help!