SULLY SAYS WHAT? “You put a map of the Civil War over this electoral map, you’ve got the Civil War…”

Or, maybe you don’t. But you do have someone channeling the epic meltdown by ABC’s Carole Simpson immediately after the 2004 presidential election (on an ABC show, to boot).

Besides — are we the Confederacy or the Weimar Republic? It’s not easy keeping track of all of the negative historical metaphors that describe America in Andrew’s mind.

Also from today’s edition of ABC’s This Week:

ANDREW SULLIVAN, DAILY BEAST: Well, I’m sorry, but Romney was a severe conservative from January to October, and now he’s a new candidate.

Perhaps Romney realized that moving to the center for the general election would better differentiate himself from the other conservative in the presidential race.

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): Andrew knows even less about American history than he knows about American culture and politics, something he’s demonstrated repeatedly. He should stick to his core area of expertise, forensic obstetrics.

ANOTHER UPDATE (FROM GLENN): Reader Hal Duston writes: “If George W. Bush was Hindenburg, who is Barack Obama? Just wondering.” Heh. Maybe it’s not just American history he’s ignorant of . . . .