TAX $$$$ FOR HOLOCAUST DENIAL:  Ah, sweet progressive tolerance, promotion of  human rights, and peace– all best embodied by the U.N.  Makes a liberal/progressive feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Oh– except one little thing:  U.N.-sponsored (yes, with U.S. tax dollars) schools in Jordan–which have a whopping 2 million students enrolled–have steadfastly refused to teach the Holocaust as part of their human rights curriculum.  Why, you ask?  Because teaching the Palestinian students “about the so-called ‘Holocaust’ as part of human rights harms the Palestinian cause… and changes the students’ views regarding their main enemy, namely the Israeli occupation.”

So-called Holocaust?  Oy veh.  Yeah, the truth does tend to change one’s views.

Thank goodness we have the U.N. to keep the world at peace.