SUCH A SOFTIE (ON TERRORISM, THAT IS):  Retired Navy commander J.D. Gordon has a great op-ed n the Washington Times discussing the Obama Administration’s decision to release from Gitmo Canadian terrorist Omar Khadr back to Canada. Khadr was almost 16 years old when he threw a grenade that killed Army Sargeant Christopher Speer.  Khadr pleaded guilty of war crimes and received an eight-year sentence. He’ll be eligible for parole next year.

As Gordon points out, Khadr is no ordinary Gitmo terrorist:

The latest detainee to leave, Mr. Khadr, is a Canadian citizen of Egyptian-Palestinian descent who hails from Canada’s notorious “first family of terrorism.”

His father, Ahmed Khadr, was one of Osama Bin Laden’s top financiers in Afghanistan and Pakistan, using a network of boys’ orphanages as a charity front. His brothers and sisters also grew up into al Qaeda, raised with bin Laden’s kids at an ultra-secure terrorist compound outside Kandahar prior to Sept. 11.

But hey, I’m sure Khadr won’t return to his bad, terrorist ways. I’m sure he’s learned his lesson and he’s no threat to America anymore.