RAND SIMBERG: Romney Was Right About That Cairo Press Release. “Funny how some people who claim to be Republicans were so quick to attack him for it, though.” Plus, thoughts on hurt feelings and religious hypocrisy. “These aren’t the words of a serious person. They’re the words of a bi-polar kindergarten teacher. And sadly, that seems to be representative of much of the federal government, including those at the Justice Department and in the military who still refuse to admit that the guy who shot up all the soldiers at Fort Hood did it in the name of Allah. We all know that there’s only one religion that can’t be criticized, and we all know why. It is because we are cowards, unwilling to stand up for the principles on which this nation was founded. And because that is a religion which is almost uniquely anti-western, and that also explains a lot about why the Left is in sympathy toward it, and its ‘feelings.'”

UPDATE: Jim Treacher: Listen as our MSM gatekeepers turn the murder of a U.S. ambassador into an opportunity to ask Romney why he’s so mean.