“THIS IS NOT A PARODY.” Jim Treacher comments: “This guy is a clown. Morning zoo radio? Entertainment Tonight? Really? What, was SpongeBob busy?”

Also, Vladimir Putin is scared of girls.

You know, the Cold War wasn’t so great, but it does seem that the leadership was better on both sides back then. . . .

UPDATE: Reader Raphael Daly writes:

Yesterday, you said in your blog “Cold War wasn’t so great, but it does seem that the leadership was better on both sides.” With all due respect, I think you seriously misspoke. The church in which the band “Pussy Riot” staged their protest video did not exist during the Cold War, because Soviet leadership had it torn down. The clergy which served that church were imprisoned and sometimes murdered. The difference between Russian leaders before and after the fall of communism is the difference between leaders who have difficulty with free speech (Putin) and those who had no difficulty with it whatsoever (because it didn’t exist).

Fair point. By “better” I really meant “less pathetic,” not “less evil.”